(FWD) 移居海外?


喺英國探親咗個幾月, 經過熔斷機制, 再加埋酒店隔離七日, 終於返嚟香港屋企啦。

突然間,唔慣通街啲人戴口罩 ,我喺嗰邊雖然有戴口罩,但係眼見通街啲人冇戴口罩 ,
另一感覺, 通街都係華人 ,喺英國. 通街都係西人, 就係返咗自己地頭.
上次講過, 英國 (倫敦以外) 好難搵廁所, 搵到廁所, 好多都係要收費, 收費嘅廁所 ,都係清潔一般. 唔似得香港嘅商場廁所, 又乾淨, 又靚.
上次係列斯去到一處維園咁大嘅公園,當然係搵極都唔會有廁所 ,見到當地啲女人,圍住條大毛巾,行入草叢嗰邊行, 都係就地解決㗎喇.
香港交通燈好舒服,向前上望,睇到綠公仔.又會有嘟嘟聲 (計時) 提示你.
喺英國就要左右望, 唔方便,仲要計埋單車紅綠燈, 即是又要等耐啲.
而家係香港天氣暖好多 , 到商場裏面有冷氣, 係英國未感受過.
香港開始熱, 泳池啱啱開放, 可以游水.
去英國啲酒店, 未見過有泳池, 又真係冇諗過喺嗰邊游水, 嗰度啲天氣凍, 就算見到有太陽, 都係凍。


劏青蛙🐸Kill Bill 高難度路線 (12山鋒)






#盈富基金 #2800 

今天盈富基金已經跌至$18.5, 而恒生指數就已跌至18500點. 如何從樓市股市之中穿梭呢.

其實有一個簡單而容易, 但成本大嘅方法投資盈富基金, 但首要係供滿一層樓.經濟週期, 一般為3-5年, 樓市亦差唔多, 但估頂或估底都唔容易.故你買入一層樓, 供了20年差不多供完, 可考慮咁做.假設一層樓現價為500萬, 已供滿, 股災來臨令樓價跌至350萬,將這層350萬樓攞去按七成, 套245萬現金, 全數買入盈富基金, 以08年金融海嘯為例, 恆指約跌去4成, 即22,000跌至13,000, 即盈富買入約$13元. 當經濟回升, 恒指及樓價都會反彈, 原值350萬嘅樓, 會回升至之前500萬, 而以245萬買入之盈富, 亦會由13元回升至22元, 245萬會變成414萬, 賺了169萬.


樓市前瞻 2022


1. 各行各業都有受到經濟影響, 大家都要緊守難關. 而最估不到是香港上年財政年度是可以反彈. 凡事"樂觀時不要太樂觀; 悲觀時亦不太過悲觀"


(詳見: https://www.budget.gov.hk/2022/chi/speech.html )

2. 2月政府進一步放寬按保的樓價上限 由於現時樓價1000萬及1200萬的單位分別最高可借90%和80%按揭,從而鼓勵了一些準買家開始追求比較大面積的單位,一些業主更乘勢反價。

3. 新冠肺炎未有減退, 大家都只好原地踩步,不進亦不退.


Sun Account System - Vision / Q&A Excel Add-in not loading

 Having problems with the Vision / Q&A XL Add-in not loading?  Below are a few things you might want to check.

Firstly, be aware that Vision / Q&A is only compatible with 32 bit Office.  If your organisation requires 64 bit then you will have to use Q&A Evolve instead.

Ensure that the Microsoft .Net framework (either 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5) and Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 are installed.  The installation of Q&A shouldn't complete if these are not present, but it may be worthwhile checking / re-installing.

Ensure that 'Office Shared Features' and 'Office Tools' are installed as well as Excel in the MS Office installation.

Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) are also required.  These are installed by default if '.Net programmability support' is selected as part of the Excel installation.  If this is not present then it can be added by amending the Office installation or the PIA can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.

Always add the add-in via the 'Infor Q&A' > 'Maintenance' > 'Configure Microsoft Office' option and not by trying to add it from within Excel.  If you have added it from the Excel 'File' > 'Options' > 'Add-Ins' menu then remove it and use the Infor Maintenance application instead.

c:\program file(x86)\Infor\maintanance.exe


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